Michelle Gelbs

Graduate Research Assistant

Ph.D. Candidate in BME at CCNY
Prev: B.E. BME at the William E. Macaulay Honors College at CCNY

Michelle Gelbs' LinkedIn ProfileMichelle Gelbs' ResearchGate Profile

Eda Biricik

Graduate Research Assistant

Ph.D. Student in BME at CCNY
Prev: M.S. BME at Boğaziçi University and B.S. ME at Boğaziçi University

Eda Biricik' LinkedIn ProfileEda Biricik's ResearchGate Profile

Rodrigo Guerra

Graduate Research Assistant

Prev: B.E. BME at the William E. Macaulay Honors College at CCNY

Rodrigo Guerra's LinkedIn Profile

Undergraduate Students

Dillon Murugesan

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Student in the Sophie Davis Biomedical Education Program
at the CUNY School of Medicine

Dillon Murugesan's LinkedIn Profile



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